We advise employers and employees on strategic and day-to-day issues related to employment.

We combine a thorough understanding of labour law with practices in different areas of business, specific transactions, disputes or corporate insolvency. This unique combination of experience allows us to navigate the complex map of the legal aspects of your company.

We will assist you with labour law audits, termination or reorganisation of employment relations, provide the most effective, time-tested solutions in specific situations of misconduct or corporate insolvency, represent you in labour dispute commissions, courts of all instances, state investigations and inspections.

Detailed list of services
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  • Labour law audit, prevention of labour disputes and accidents at work
  • Labour law issues in mergers and acquisitions
  • Employment contracts and other individual agreements (on confidentiality, non-competition, etc.), internal legal acts (rules of procedure, equal opportunities policy, annual leave arrangements, rules on personal data of employees, safety and health documents, etc.), remuneration of employees and development and adaptation of incentive systems; conclusion, performance, amendment and termination of employment contracts and supplementary agreements.
  • Employee options
  • Consultations on unfair competition of employees, misconduct; issues of indemnification of damages
  • Issues of employee work, secondment and taxation abroad
  • Employment of foreigners in Lithuania, visas, work and residence permits in Lithuania: consultations and preparation of documentsRepresentation in individual and collective labour disputes, labour disputes commission, courts of all instances and other labour dispute resolution bodies, as well as in state institutions during investigations or inspections in companies
  • Work through temporary employment agencies (employee leasing), atypical forms of work organisation: remote work, teleworking, on-call time; additional work and scaling up
  • Specifics of activity and responsibility of the head of a legal entity
  • Organisation and accounting of working and rest time: normal working time regime, total working time accounting, flexible work organisation, determination of individual working time regime
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